Onumen Technology CO., LTD.
Onumen Technology CO., LTD.

How to Deal with Partial Malfunctioning of Indoor Rental LED Screens?

Nowadays, indoor rental LED screens can be seen in commercial advertisements, conference presentations, or various entertainment activities. Their presence is not only a crystallization of technology but also a display of art and a carrier of culture. However, sometimes for various reasons, we may encounter some problems, such as indoor rental LED screens showing partial garbled code. Then do you know how to deal with indoor rental LED screens showing partial garbled code? Below, ONUMEN will introduce:


Indoor Rental LED Screens Measures to Deal with Partial Garbled Code

  • It is necessary to check the connection between the indoor rental LED screen and the computer. Make sure all the connections are plugged in tightly and there are no loose or damaged connections. If there is a problem with the connection, it may cause data transmission interruption, leading to garbled code.

  • it is necessary to check if the driver software of the indoor rental LED screen is functioning properly. If there is an issue with the driver software, it may cause the indoor rental LED screen to fail displaying content correctly. In this case, we can try to reinstall or update the driver software to see if the problem can be solved.

  • It is necessary to check the settings of the indoor rental LED screen. Sometimes, incorrect settings of the resolution, refresh rate, etc., of the indoor rental LED screen may also lead to garbled code. We need to ensure that the settings of the indoor rental LED screen are consistent with the computer's settings to ensure the correctness of data transmission.

  • If the above steps do not solve the problem, then it may be that the indoor rental LED screen itself has malfunctioned. At this point, we need to contact professional maintenance personnel for inspection and repair.

In summary, these are the measures for handling partial garbled code of indoor rental LED screens. When dealing with the issue of partial garbled code on the indoor rental LED screen, we should stay calm, troubleshoot step by step, identify the root cause of the problem, and solve it. If the problem can't be solved, professional help should be sought promptly. Only by doing so can we effectively solve the problem of partial garbled code on indoor rental LED screens and ensure their normal use.